Warzone Season 2: Rebirth riceverà il restyling “Rinforzata”; 2 i nuovi POI di Caldera

Warzone Season 2: Rebirth riceverà il restyling “Rinforzata”; 2 i nuovi POI di Caldera

Profilo di Stak

Season 2 Warzone – Come avevamo abbondantemente predetto, la seconda stagione di Call of Duty Warzone sarà certamente una delle più importanti della storia del franchise e del suo BR.

Con l’update del 14 Febbraio infatti, assisteremo all’introduzione di nuovi personaggi, nuove armi, ma anche nuove modalità e significativi cambiamenti ad entrambe le mappe di gioco dell’era attuale di Warzone. Iniziamo ovviamente da Caldera, la mappa “main” dove vengono giocate le normali partite in BR.

Sembra che per la più recente mappa di Warzone i devs hanno in mente l’inserimento di almeno due nuovi poi (o “punti di interesse”). Questi saranno la nuova Chemical Factory, e la nuova Research Labs.

Anche Rebirth riceverà delle modifiche, ma per queste dovremo aspettare l’aggiornamento di metà stagione. Al momento sappiamo solamente che la piccola isola verrà “rinforzata”, quindi probabilmente assisteremo ad un restyling che renderà Rebirth in tema “seconda guerra mondiale”.

Ricordiamo che questo sarebbe il secondo update di Rebirth, dopo il primo che nel 2021 aggiornò la mappa all’epoca di Black Ops.

Non solo cambiamenti alle mappe…

Tra le novità vi è poi il Gas Nebula, protagonista ieri nel primo cinematic dedicato alla nuova stagione. Il gas Nebula sarà un nuovo contenuto utilizzabile in partita, grazie al quale potremo avvelenare i nostri nemici.

Questo nuovo gas sarà disponibile nei proiettili, ma anche sotto forma di valigetta/bomba. Quando un operatore viene abbattuto dai colpi con Gas Nebula, emetterà una nuvola di gas velenoso, e chiunque tenti di rianimarlo, o si trovi a pochi metri da lui, dovrà affrontare complicazioni simili all’esposizione al cerchio del gas: quindi tosse, visione offuscata e una leggera quantità di danni nel tempo, sia per la salute di un giocatore che per la durata della sua Gas Mask.

Vi sarà poi anche la Nebula V Bomb, una valigetta chiusa a chiave piena di gas mortale con una carica esplosiva.

Una volta attivata e posizionata davanti a un Operatore, la valigetta esploderà dopo un conto alla rovescia fisso che non potrà essere disarmato o interrotto. La sua esplosione iniziale infligge un’elevata quantità di danni in un piccolo raggio prima che il gas si diffonda verso l’esterno, dove danneggerà qualsiasi operatore senza maschera antigas. Il gas si mantiene per circa due minuti prima di disperdersi definitivamente.

Stazioni di Decontaminazione Portatili (P.D.S.)

Nonostante la sua tossicità, il gas Nebula V può anche essere temporaneamente disperso. La stazione di decontaminazione portatile, nuova attrezzatura da campo a Caldera, è un dispositivo portatile che filtra l’aria per diversi secondi, proteggendo chiunque si trovi all’interno dal collasso del cerchio o dal gas Nebula V.

Camion da trasporto corazzati – Minacciose macchine di distruzione della Nebulosa V

Con la season 2 avremo anche dei camion corazzati utili per trasportare il gas Nebula V ​​intorno a Caldera. Come descritto dai devs: “Questi inarrestabili colossi d’acciaio si muovono su un percorso ad anello prestabilito, attaccando quelli nelle sue immediate vicinanze con le sue due torrette di mitragliatrici. Gli operatori devono anche evitare le mine che fa cadere dietro di esso, così come il supporto aereo che chiama in caso di scarsa salute.

Dopo la distruzione, i camion da trasporto corazzati lasceranno cadere oggetti di incredibile valore, tra cui, nei casi più rari, una Nebula V Bomb intatta.

La nuova modalità Iron Trials su Rebirth Island

Infine, ma assolutamente non per importanza, citiamo la grande aggiunta della modalità Prove di Ferro su Rebirth Island. Al momento i devs parlano del suo rilascio “alla fine del mese”, e quindi dovremmo attendere la mode tra le prossime 2/3 settimane.

Andiamo a vedere tutti i dettagli segnalati sul sito ufficiale, ed ovviamente anche il nuovo cinematic trailer dedicato alla nuova stagione.

Il trailer ufficiale della Season 2 di Warzone

Le note della patch della Season 2 di Warzone

This is Season Two of Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone, where armored war machines and chemical weapons bring global conflict to a new level.

The latest season of free and additional content within Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone will see its first full day of action on February 14, following updates to Vanguard and Warzone. These updates will be available to download at 9 AM PT on February 10 for Vanguard and at 9 AM on February 14 for Warzone, after which both updates become live. Once both updates are downloaded, you can enjoy Double XP opportunities across both games to celebrate the launch of this new season.

These updates will include various fixes, quality of life updates, and other features that all studios worked on in the lead-up to Season Two. Such improvements will be similar to those leading up to this new season: a recent Vanguard update addressed low visibility issues due to smoke and fire, along with nerfs to shotguns like the Double Barrel (when Akimboed). And as promised, you can expect communications across all lead studios addressing exact changes coming with this update in the week ahead.

In addition to patch notes from Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software, a special broadcast from Treyarch and the Call of Duty League, and other blogs on the Call of Duty® website to come over the next few days and weeks, this is what you need to know – for now – about Season Two of Vanguard and Warzone:


  • New Features: Nebula V, Redeploy Balloons, and More. Nebula V Ammo and Bombs create new offensive tactics, while Portable Decontamination Stations offer temporary refuge. Alternatively, take to the skies with Redeploy Balloons and Bomber planes.
  • Explore the Chemical Factory and underground Chemical Weapon Research Labs, Watch for Armored Transport. Fresh points of interest in Caldera are here to shake up those rotations. Axis soldiers patrol these new areas and are found around the island in vehicles…Defeat them for powerful rewards.
  • Caldera Clash at Launch, Rebirth Reinforced Midseason. The massive team fight returns — rank up those weapons and fight for Caldera outside of traditional modes. Meanwhile, there are rumors of a resurgence at Rebirth Island…and we’re not talking about the game mode.

This update was developed by Raven Software, High Moon Studios and Beenox.

Nebula V — Ammo and Bombs

Nebula V is meant for larger-scale armaments but can be used for small-arms ammunition and bombs, both found in extremely small quantities around Caldera.

Nebula V Ammo

Classified as a Field Upgrade in Warzone, Nebula V is no stronger than regular bullets but does have one major exception: when an Operator is downed by them, they will emit a poisonous gas cloud.

Anyone attempting to revive this Operator — or standing within a few feet of them — will face similar complications to Circle Collapse exposure: coughing, blurred vision, and a slight amount of damage over time, whether that be to a player’s health or to their Gas Mask duration.

Nebula V takes up only a single clip of ammunition, but for some weapons, that may be enough to turn the tide of a team fight, especially within interior spaces.

Nebula V Bombs

One of the rarest items in Warzone is the Nebula V Bomb, a locked briefcase full of deadly gas with an explosive charge.

Once activated and set down in front of an Operator, it will detonate after a fixed countdown and cannot be disarmed or destroyed. Its initial explosion deals a high amount of damage in a small radius before the gas spreads outward, where it will hurt any Operator without a Gas Mask. The gas lingers for two minutes before ultimately dispersing or feeding into the oncoming Circle Collapse.

Operators can potentially outrun this explosive aftermath just as they would the Circle Collapse, but in terms of an area denial tool, the Nebula V Bomb is a powerful force…if you can find it.

Portable Decontamination Stations (P.D.S.)

Despite its toxicity, Nebula V can also be temporarily dispersed.

The Portable Decontamination Station, new Field Equipment in Caldera, is a portable device that filtrates air for several seconds, protecting anyone inside from the Circle Collapses or Nebula V gas.

These devices impact all Operator Tac Maps, allowing everyone to see where they are currently activated, and they can be destroyed by explosives or ballistics. With these caveats in mind, the Portable Decontamination Station is still useful in surviving both old and new chemical threats, and could likely lead to some new positioning strategies for Battle Royale modes.

Armored Transport Trucks — Ominous Nebula V Machines of Destruction – Warzone Season 2

Armored Transport Trucks are here in paradise, as the Axis deployed multiple vehicles to carry Nebula V and its derivatives around Caldera.

These unstoppable steel behemoths remotely roll on a set looping path, attacking those within its immediate vicinity with its two machine-gun turrets. Operators also need to avoid the mines it drops behind it, as well as the aerial support it calls in should it drop to low health.

Upon destruction, the Armored Transport Trucks will drop incredibly valuable items, including — in the rarest cases — an intact Nebula V Bomb.

Warzone Season 2 New Points of Interest: The Chemical Factory and Chemical Weapon Research Labs

Aside from the massive stockpile in the Alps, Nebula V is located mostly in the factories and laboratories around Caldera and is heavily guarded by Axis forces.

Chemical Factory

The refinery between the Mines and Docks that once produced phosphate has been repurposed and is now a newly constructed plant spewing out Nebula V.

This newly named Chemical Factory has a similar layout to the location it replaced, but with several notable differences, including enemy soldiers who protect the facility and a trap that can be sprung in the central building. There are several more interior spaces to explore, from the main factory floor to watchtowers with impressive sightlines over the facility and its surroundings. The river runs green with Nebula V’s by-product, but it is completely harmless.

Squads who infiltrate this highly lethal area will walk away with more valuable loot on average, which may help in the ensuing fight against both the Circle Collapse and Nebula V Bombs.

Underground Chemical Weapon Research Labs

According to current intel, the Axis operated seven research laboratories around the island, hiding them underground and guarding them with small squads of soldiers.

Expert trackers may have already found these lab locations around Caldera…but the average Operator may find them thanks to several hand-drawn yellow circles on their Tac Map.

With only one way into these facilities, your squad better have an escape plan before the Circle Collapse — or enemy squads — threatens your chances at walking away with phenomenal Loadout items, which may include Gas Masks and Nebula .

Other New Features in Warzone Season 2: Bomber Planes and Redeploy Balloons

Nebula V isn’t the only new feature coming in Season Two, as Operators can take to the skies either in a new Bomber Plane or via Redeploy Balloons.

Bomber Plane

The second aerial vehicle in Vanguard modes in Warzone, the Bomber is a formidable air-to-ground striker capable of leveling infantry and vehicles.

Bombers can also destroy Loadout Drops, which can fundamentally change how Operators approach these powerful sources of weapons.

While this new aircraft can shatter Anti-Air Guns and destroy ground-level threats, it may meet its match when confronting the Fighter Plane, which continues to be available in Vanguard Royale. Alternatively, drop into a stationary or truck-mounted AA Gun and bring down these airborne behemoths with vim and vigor!

Furthermore, players can expect to see health decreases to both planes as part of this update, making them easier to shoot down should they pose a threat to you or your squad.

Redeploy Balloon – Warzone Season 2 

Shown on the Tac Map as a blimp icon, the Redeploy Balloon is a ticket back into the skies to reposition thousands of meters away from your set location.

Operators can ascend to the top of the balloon via a zipline tethered to the balloon, then leap off at the top and deploy their parachute to cover great distances. Planes or weaponry can destroy the Redeploy Balloon, and once the Balloon is deflated, Operators can spend a few hundred bucks to reinflate it.

This new movement option can be exceptional for repositioning across the map…so long as you watch out for bogeys entering your airspace.

New Modes: Caldera Clash Kicks off Season Two, Rebirth Iron Trial Duos Set to Begin

Outside of traditional Battle Royale and Plunder modes, Season Two will feature two limited-time experiences built by High Moon Studios and Beenox:

Caldera Clash — Level Up and Conquer Major Areas in This Team Deathmatch Twist

Developed by High Moon Studios, Caldera Clash pits two teams of up to 48 Operators (divided into Quads) in a Deathmatch with wild events and power-ups.

An evolution of Clash on Verdansk ’84 — and Warzone Rumble before it — Caldera Clash allows Operators to drop in with their Custom Loadout, which can have any weapons from Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® to Vanguard, and a Field Upgrade. Each kill earns their team a point, with the first team to reach a set number of points, or the team that has the most points when the time limit expires, claiming victory for their massive faction.

This mode features three power-ups, Contracts, Buy Stations, the Domination Capture and High Value Target events, and other features from the original Clash, as well as two new events: Double Point zones and Bonus Point crates. These can help a team come back from a kill deficit or run away with victory, but with dozens of Operators per side, the name of the game is keeping that kill-to-death ratio above 1.0.

Warzone Season 2 Rebirth Iron Trials — Prove Your Presence Later This Season

Developed by Beenox based on Raven Software’s Iron Trials ’84, Rebirth Iron Trials is a Battle Royale variant custom-made for highly competitive players.

Featuring its own set of weaponry (from Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War) and numerous rule changes to increase time-to-kill (TTK), this mode is built for the most hardcore members of our community. However, players of all skill levels who want a change of pace within Warzone should participate!

Those who can’t wait to learn more about this mode needn’t worry: this is a Duos mode — 20 squads of 2, for 40 Operators total — and uses a similar Circle Collapse size and speed. You can read up on the Iron Trials rule set, as well as strategies for surviving match, here.

Claim victory and receive a unique Animated Calling Card, a true sign of mastery over the Iron Trials.

Expect more information to come later this month when these Iron Trials are expected to begin in Warzone.

Stay Tuned for Patch Notes, Rebirth Island Midseason Update

As Caldera’s secrets come to light, something lurks within Rebirth Island’s shadows. Expect substantial changes to the prison island during the midseason update….

Expect more intel about the reinforcements to come midseason, as well as other important updates from lead studio Raven Software via Patch Notes on the Call of Duty Blog and their social media account.

Season Two will include a number of quality-of-life changes, including having the Gas Mask animation no longer interrupting Operators who are aiming down sights, so look out for everything coming with this update over the next week.


  • Prove yourself in Ranked Play. Launching alongside the 2022 Call of Duty League season, expect to begin your Ranked journey and play like the pros.
  • Two new Multiplayer maps. Duck through the busy streets of Casablanca or partake in some ski-shooting in Gondola, two midsized maps ready to be mastered.
  • Free Perks, Killstreak, and Equipment in Battle Pass. Prepare to switch up those Loadouts and shoot for a 12-Killstreak — the Season Two Battle Pass is stocked with free Multiplayer content for all to use.

Ranked Play Beta Kicks Off During Call of Duty League Season

Recently, Toronto Ultra bested 11 other elite professional squads at the Call of Duty League’s Kickoff Classic.

As the league continues its regular 2022 season schedule following an exciting Opening Weekend, Vanguard will offer a bespoke Multiplayer Ranked Play mode (launching in Beta at the start of Season Two) featuring league-approved rules, visible Skill Ratings, and new competitive rewards among other innovations from Treyarch and Sledgehammer Games.

Stay tuned later this week for more information about this fourth pillar of Vanguard in a dedicated broadcast from the Call of Duty League and Treyarch.

Two New Core Maps: Explore Casablanca, Watch Your Step on Gondola

From North African deserts to the European mountains, Season Two is serving up two traditional Multiplayer maps at launch, as well as the largest locale in Vanguard yet during the season.

Casablanca (Launch)

A shining jewel of Morocco, Casablanca is a medium-sized, three-lane-style map within a bustling marketplace. With several buildings to explore and climb upon, expect a variety of vertical engagements that invite a variety of close- to long-range tactics.

Gondola (Launch)

Don’t look down on this medium-sized, three-lane-style map. Take a trip on the Gondola to travel above a large gulch and fire watchtower, but hop off before it rides off the cliff! Operators can also take advantage of the long sightline this gondola route provides, or head through the power plant and caves for more close-quarters battle.

Two Perks, Lethal Grenade, and Killstreak — Free in Battle Pass Season 2 Warzone

Some free rewards are just too good to keep under wraps until the dedicated Battle Pass blog dropping in this channel in the next few days.

Ball Turret Gunner — Killstreak

Call of Duty®: WWII fans know the Ball Turret’s power well.

Beginning the Season Two Battle Pass with a bang — or multiple across 30 seconds — the Ball Turret Gunner can be activated after achieving a 12 Killstreak.

This Killstreak is hard to earn but rewarding to use, so prepare for potential carnage if you place it within one of three available slots.

Sticky Bomb— Lethal Equipment

A familiar sight for veteran players, the Sticky Bomb is a direct rival to the Frag Grenade and Gammon Bomb as a throwable explosive equipment piece.

Consider it the perfect choice for those stuck between a Frag and a Gammon Bomb.

Armory — Perk 1

A direct counter-Perk to Engineer, Armory is ideal for Operators who use more than just their weaponry in combat, namely placeable Demolition Charges, concussion mines, and placeable Field Equipment pieces.

Mechanic — Perk 3

Mechanic provides a reasonable buff to Field Upgrade charge time, making it a must-have for completing challenges related to them or for Operators who love using them.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day in Vanguard

Don’t have an IRL Duo for Season Two launch day? Vanguard will feature a Valentine’s Day themed experience with some Double XP opportunities and thematic changes for dropping in around this time.

No love is needed to enjoy it; just invite some friends and prepare to fight for a true King of Hearts.

Coming in Season 2 Warzone: Arms Race and Vehicles — Launch Patch Notes to Drop in the Coming Days

An Arms Race with Armored War Machines is bigger than infantry combat — it’s piloting Motorcycles, Squad Transport Vehicles, and Tanks en route to destroying enemy bases.

This and other features are expected to arrive during Season Two. Sledgehammer Games will release their initial Patch Notes next week, including weapon balance changes.


  • S.O.T.F. 007 reports for duty. Task Force Yeti is the first line of defense against Nebula V. Start Season Two strong with Anna Drake, available in the Battle Pass.
  • Four New Weapons. Two midrange tools can be found in the Battle Pass, while the Ice Axe and a hard-hitting SMG are slated to drop during the season.


Cosa ne pensate di tutte queste novità sulla Season 2 di Warzone community? Restate sintonizzati con noi per i nuovi aggiornamenti dedicati agli altri contenuti in arrivo con la Season 2 di Warzone! La discussione, come sempre, è aperta!

Articoli correlati: 

Su Warzone in arrivo un nuovo killstreak da “stratega”, il meteo variabile e le Utility Box

Su Warzone in arrivo un nuovo killstreak da “stratega”, il meteo variabile e le Utility Box

Profilo di Stak
24/04/2024 19:50 di Marco "Stak" Cresta

Attraverso il recente aggiornamento relativo al midseason update della stagione 3, abbiamo scoperto alcune delle più importanti novità in arrivo a partire dall’1 Maggio su Warzone.

Tra queste segnaliamo ad esempio l’imminente ritorno del perk Specialista, ma anche il fatto che riavremo a disposizione le Weapon Trade Station, dei nuovi equipaggiamenti ed un killstreak che promette di stravolgere le partite dei player da un punto di vista tattico/strategico.

Innanzi tutto si segnala che con la nuova patch verrà inserito su Rebirth Island il clima variabile. Avremo quindi la possibilità di giocare in “diverse” Rebirth, una al calare della notte, una invece ambientata alle prime ore dell’alba etc.

Assisteremo anche al rilascio del nuovo evento pubblico Heavy Armor, durante il quale verrà aumentato il numero di armature che i giocatori possono trasportare, ed in cui verrà anche aumentato il numero totale di punti salute da 150 a 200 per l’intera partita.

Le Utility Box, le Stazioni di scambio arma ed il nuovo killstreak di Warzone

Oltre a tutto questo, sappiamo che con il prossimo aggiornamento di metà stagione avremo:

Utility Box – Delle casse che combinano insieme munizioni ed armature, cosi da rifornire gli operatori di tutto il necessario in un colpo solo.

Stazioni di Scambio arma – Altro contenuto del passato di Warzone, queste stazioni possono aiutarci ad avanzare nel corso della partita. Non dovremo far altro che scambiare la nostra arma per una di rarità inferiore, ottenendo però al contempo del bottino extra.

La rarità è determinata dagli accessori totali della tua arma ed è visualizzata in base al colore dell’arma, dal più comune al meno comune come segue: Grigio, Verde, Blu, Viola e Arancione. Maggiore sarà la rarità dell’arma rilasciata, maggiori saranno le ricompense che otterremo. In tal senso quindi, potrebbe essere un’idea prendere le armi personalizzate di un nostro nemico sconfitto, e “venderle” per avere in cambio loot molto pregiato. In un colpo solo elimineremo le armi dal terreno per il nostro nemico, e guadagneremo un bonus ulteriore dato dalle ricompense.

Infine, segnaliamo il nuovo killstreak Foresight – Utile per prevedere “cosa accadrà” durante la partita di Warzone, Foresight ci mostrerà la posizione di ogni futuro cerchio del gas. Di fatto i giocatori potranno conoscere, con larghissimo anticipo, tutta la rotation fino alla fine della partita… Un qualcosa che potrebbe totalmente stravolgere il meta di Warzone nel prossimo futuro.

  • Articolo realizzato in collaborazione con la community di riferimento di Warzone d’Italia (Facebook)

Articoli correlati: 

Il perk SPECIALISTA su Warzone dall’1 Maggio!

Il perk SPECIALISTA su Warzone dall’1 Maggio!

Profilo di Stak
24/04/2024 19:50 di Marco "Stak" Cresta

Perk Specialista – Gli sviluppatori di Activision avevano già svelato l’imminente Ritorno di un attesissimo contenuto su Warzone, ed oggi riceviamo la conferma ufficiale grazie al nuovo aggiornamento relativo al prossimo midseason update. In merito all’ultimo citato, troverete tutti i dettagli cliccando qui.

Stando alle ultimissime notizie infatti, il perk Specialista sbarcherà nuovamente su WZ insieme a Rebirth Island nel corso dell’aggiornamento di metà Stagione 3. Nello specifico, questo singolare contenuto di Warzone dovrebbe essere nuovamente disponibile a partire dal prossimo 1 Maggio.

Per chi non lo sapesse, il perk Specialista è un mix di tutte le varie specialità presenti su Warzone.

Perchè il perk Specialista è cosi atteso su Warzone? 

perk specialista warzone

Equipaggiando lo Specialista, godremo dei bonus garantiti da TUTTI i perk esistenti, contemporaneamente. Possedere il perk specialista rappresenta quindi un indiscusso vantaggio, che sarà esclusivo per i pochi fortunati che riusciranno ad afferrarlo prima degli altri.

Il reinserimento del perk Specialista rientra in tutte quella serie di interventi atti a riportare su Warzone il clima che si respirava durante la prima era del gioco.

Un po’ come avvenuto su Fortnite qualche mese fa, il 2024 sta rappresentando per Warzone il ritorno definitivo alla stagione “OG” (o “original“, ndr), che si consacrerà con lo sbarco di Verdansk entro il mese di Ottobre.

  • Articolo realizzato in collaborazione con la community di riferimento di Warzone d’Italia (Facebook)

Articoli correlati: 

Aggiornamento di metà stagione (Season 3) di Warzone/MW3: tutte le novità

Aggiornamento di metà stagione (Season 3) di Warzone/MW3: tutte le novità

Profilo di Stak
24/04/2024 19:50 di Marco "Stak" Cresta

Update di metà stagione – Gli sviluppatori di Activision hanno svelato la maggior parte delle novità che sbarcheranno presto su Warzone e MW3, insieme alla nuova patch del midseason update della Stagione 3. Questa è infatti prevista per il prossimo 1 Maggio, giorno in cui sarà ufficialmente disponibile con tutti i suoi contenuti sia su WZ che su MW3.

Oltre a tantissime novità per il multiplayer (come nuove mappe e nuove modalità), l’aggiornamento introdurrà contenuti del passato ed altri totalmente originali anche su Warzone, e nella modalità Zombie.

Tra questi segnaliamo ad esempio la nuova arma BAL-27, il perk Specialista (di cui troverete tutti i dettagli qui), ma anche il nuovo killstreak Foresight (troverete tutti i dettagli qui).

In questo speciale andremo ad analizzare tutte le novità in arrivo, riportando direttamente le note della patch ufficiali condivise dai devs. Ecco tutti i dettagli…

Note della patch – Update Metà Stagione 3 – Warzone/MW3

Season 3 Reloaded Arrives in Modern Warfare® III and Call of Duty®: Warzone™

The vast amount of action brought by the gigantic Season 3 update is set to keep on rolling with the upcoming Season 3 Reloaded content drop, bringing more Multiplayer maps and modes and the introduction of the next story mission, Dark Aether Rift, and more in Modern Warfare Zombies. Adjust your tactics with new items coming to Rebirth Island, including the coveted Specialist Perk Package.

Earn the new BAL-27 Assault Rifle and go classic akimbo and more with new Aftermarket Parts earned via mid-season Weekly Challenges. Plus, Military Appreciation Month kicks off on May 1 and the Call of Duty Endowment (C.O.D.E.) is preparing celebrations. The announcement will be making a knightly descent on May 6, so keep an eye out for how to help place U.S. and U.K. veterans into high quality jobs with what’s to come.

The Season 3 Reloaded mid-season update launches on May 1 at 9AM PT across all platforms. Visit the Call of Duty Blog for all official comms and announcements.

Here’s what’s on the way:



Introducing Minefield and Escort. Watch your step in Minefield and hack multiple points on the map alongside a MAW in Escort.

Two 6v6 Multiplayer Maps. Head to the wrong part of town in the brand-new Grime map and test your skills on Checkpoint based on the Stronghold area of Rebirth Island.

Power Up in the Arcade Playlist. From unlimited ammo modifiers to ultra-powerful weapon pickups, Arcade transforms the Multiplayer experience into a full-blown power simulation.

New Modes: Minefield, Escort


Watch your step in the new Minefield game mode, adding an explosive new dynamic to a variety of Multiplayer modes. In this variant, players still adhere to each mode’s basic ruleset with an important caveat: Eliminated Operators drop a Proximity Mine where they fall. The mine cannot be picked up and is deadly to the fallen Operator’s team, setting up the potential for some truly explosive combos.

As the eliminations start racking up, the action grows more intense, challenging players to watch their step while pursuing the next target.


In Escort, teams take turns escorting a MAW through the environment with the goal of hacking three points across the map. The MAW only moves forward if an attacking Operator is nearby and will move in reverse if a defending Operator closes the distance.

Matches take place over two rounds, giving each team a turn on attack and defense. The team who hacks the most points or who hacks all three points in the shortest amount of time wins the match.

Two Core 6v6 Maps: Grime, Checkpoint

Grime [6v6]

Brand-New, Core, 6v6, Medium-Sized

Navigate an abandoned corner of London as you weave through Grime’s dockside district, a graffiti-laden hub featuring the remnants of the once lively SKN Comms building beside the Captain’s Dog pub and the now-defunct boat house. Swim through the murky waters of the canal and battle along the docks. Surviving this derelict urban location will require smart use of the map’s chokepoints and a penchant for dirty tactics.

Navigate an abandoned corner of London as you weave through Grime’s dockside district, a graffiti-laden hub featuring the remnants of the once lively SKN Comms building beside the Captain’s Dog pub and the now-defunct boat house. Swim through the murky waters of the canal and battle along the docks. Surviving this derelict urban location will require smart use of the map’s chokepoints and a penchant for dirty tactics.

For an interactive Tac-Map and full guide to Grime, click here on Monday April 29.

Checkpoint (6v6)

New [Repurposed], Core, 6v6, Medium-Sized

With Rebirth Island out in the wild, there’s a good chance that you’ve already engaged in combat in this area based on the island’s eastern Stronghold POI. Checkpoint keeps the fight focused in and around the main buildings of the military comms outpost in a modified version of the map where the upper walkways and control tower are sealed off, emphasizing combat on the ground. Battle within the armory and garage or take on foes in the forward construction site and rear roundabout.

For an interactive Tac-Map and full guide to Checkpoint, click here on Monday April 29.

Power Up in the Arcade Playlist

Boost your powers exponentially with the mid-season Arcade playlist, supporting a variety of maps and modes featuring powerups and special weapon pickups.

Powerups: Eliminated enemies will drop a powerup where they fall, granting one of two temporary abilities on pickup: unlimited ammo or unlimited grenades. Let loose on your foes without mundane concerns like ammo supply and grenade count.

Weapon Pickups: Bring the pain with special weapon pickups scattered throughout the environment, immediately noticeable by their glowing effects and floating animation.

These empowered weapons include the Punch Knife with a dramatically increased lunge distance, the MORS Sniper Rifle and Riveter Shotgun loaded with explosive projectile rounds, and a Minigun that provides a constant Battle Rage effect for improved health regeneration, resistance to Tactical Equipment, and a constant refresh on your Tactical Sprint.

The Vortex Playlist Returns

Redeploy to the otherworldly Vortex Playlist, which goes live again for a limited time in the mid-season. Return, if you dare, to the infected environments of Airborne, Satan’s Quarry, Skidgrow, Sporeyard, and Tetanus. Keep cool and focus on the objective in the Vortex Mosh Pit or risk losing your sanity to these twisted map variants.

New Field Upgrade and Equipment

New Field Upgrade: Enhanced Vision Goggles

Toggle on the Enhanced Vision Goggles for improved target acquisition in the midst of battle. The goggles feature limited battery, displayed by the Field Upgrade charge which depletes as the gadget is in use.

New Tactical: EMD Mine

Deploy this proximity-triggered mine that sticks to surfaces. Once triggered, the mine fires tracking devices that attach to nearby enemy Operators, revealing their position on the minimap for improved tracking.



Rescue Dr. Jansen. In the next Story Mission, Operators join Ravenov in a rescue mission to retrieve Dr. Ava Jansen after she was lured into a Dark Aether Rift.

Earn New Schematics. Acquire up to three new schematics to aid you in your future deployments to the Exclusion Zone.

Face Warlord Rainmaker. Seek out the new Warlord in their fortress on Rahaa Island. Be prepared for explosive combat against this demolitions expert.

The Next Chapter: Saving Dr. Jansen

A new anomaly strikes the Exclusion Zone as the third Dark Aether Rift appears. Dr. Jansen has been lured through its portal, and the Operators of Operation Deadbolt must now conduct a rescue mission with Ravenov’s help to get her back before it’s too late. Prepare to face off against a horde of foes in this mid-season Story Mission, including a new Disciple variant that will put your squad’s slaying skills to the test.

Seek out and attune the required relics after completing the Story Mission to re-open the Dark Aether Rift for subsequent runs. Complete the objectives within to acquire new powerful schematics.

New Schematics

Dead Wire Detonators: Electrify your blasts for massive damage using the Dead Wire Detonators, adding the Dead Wire Ammo Mod effect to all of your explosive armaments, including Lethals and Launchers. This is sure to come in handy when facing off against the Dark Aether Rift’s new Disciple variant.

Golden Mask Filter: Forget the constant search for a functioning gas mask when approaching strongholds and other areas where gas threatens to suffocate incoming Operators. Attaching the Golden Mask Filter to a gas mask causes its charge to self-regenerate over time. The mask can still break if its charge is fully used up in one go, though the filter will be reapplied to the next one you find.

Sergeant’s Beret: With the undead roaming around, you’ve got enough to worry about before taking Zakhaev’s Mercs into consideration. Don the Sergeant’s Beret to trick the faction into thinking that you’re one of their own. As a bonus, you’ll gain a Merc Bodyguard who fearlessly follows you into the action.

New Warlord: Rainmaker

Challengers of the new Warlord Rainmaker will need to plan their tactics carefully when approaching this artillery and demolitions expert. Find him in his fortress on Rahaa Island in the southeastern Urzikstan Exclusion Zone, where he’s supported by an army that he’s only too willing to expend in pursuit of annihilating Operation Deadbolt.

Expect mortar rounds and RPG fire on approach. Bring reliable transport to breach the fortress combined with long-ranged support to whittle down the enemy forces from afar. Remain cautious after breaching the walls, as the Warlord has set multiple traps to catch unsuspecting Operators. When you get to the Warlord himself, be ready to inflict maximum pain.



Gear up! Plate up with Heavy Armor, resupply your Plates and Ammo with the Utility Box, and ready up for the return of the Weapon Trade Station: Trade in a weapon, get one back plus some extra loot. A good way to fill your pockets.

Specialist Perk Package: Become a super soldier with this rare item granting your Operator every available Perk!

New Foresight Killstreak: Plan your end game accordingly with the ability to see all future gas circles.

Variable Time of the Day: Experience Rebirth Island in a new way with the chance for variable weather conditions in your deployments.

New Event, Field Upgrade, and More Warzone Features

With occasional aerial bombardments increasing in ferocity across Rebirth Island, expect a change in the weather, a variety of additional items, Events, and more Features as you drop in at Mid-Season:

Boost Your Defenses in the New Heavy Armor Public Event

This Public Event arrives in Season 3 Reloaded. A rare occurrence at Infil, this raises the number of armor plates players can carry, buffing the total number of health points from 150 to 200 for the whole match. For more information, click here.

Gear Up with the new Utility Box Field Upgrade (Rebirth Island)

The Utility Box combines Ammo and Armor Boxes together allowing Operators to resupply everything ranging from bullets to grenades. Purchase the box at Buy Stations or as a piece of ground loot.

Weapon Trade Station (Rebirth Island)

The Weapon Trade Station returns to help fill your pockets. Trade in your weapon for one of a lower rarity plus some extra loot. Rarity is determined by your weapon’s total attachments and is displayed by its color in the weapon info box, from most common to least common as follows: Gray, Green, Blue, Purple, and Orange. The weapon you trade in returns one of two rarity levels lower (or “more common”).

The extra items that drop may include ammo, cash, and equipment (Tacticals, Lethals, Field Upgrades, Killstreaks, Gas Masks). With some luck, trading in a powerful weapon may even reward the Specialist Perk Package, with even better rewards during a Fire Sale!

Perk Package: Specialist (Rebirth Island)

Become the ultimate Operator if you’re lucky enough to come across the rare Specialist Perk Package. With Specialist activated, your Operator will benefit from ALL available Perks . The complete list of abilities include:

  • Perk Slots 1 and 2 (all Perks active): Battle Hardened, Double Time, E.O.D., Focus, Irradiated, Mechanic, Mountaineer, Scavenger, Shrapnel, Sleight of Hand, Spotter, Strong Arm.
  • Perk Slot 3 (all Perks active): Cold-Blooded, Escapist, Payout, Primed, Quick Fix, Resupply, Stalker, Survivor, Tempered, Tracker.
  • Perk Slot 4 (all Perks active): Birdseye, Combat Scout, Flex, Ghost, High Alert, Resolute, Shrouded.

As a force to be reckoned with, this is your surest bet toward victory. Good luck finding it.

New Killstreak — Foresight (Rebirth Island)

Perfect your strategy by seeing what’s coming with Foresight, showing you the location of every future gas circle in the match. Find the new Killstreak as a piece of rare loot. Strategize accordingly to make the most out of the intel you’re given, setting up for the win where you know the gas will end up at the match’s end.

And More on the Way

Along with upcoming playlists like Loaded Resurgence (at Mid-Season Launch) and Rebirth Lockdown (later into the Season), keep an eye out for the new Utility Box Field Upgrade, providing ammo, armor plates, and extra equipment to stock up your Operator for the most vicious battles ahead. And beef up through the Heavy Armor Public Event, adding a permanent extra plate slot to all Armor Plate Carriers for the rest of the match.

Something is happening with the Bunkers on Urzikstan, too. Curious squads who explore these areas are apt to discover the rewards within. That isn’t all that’s coming, either, though some [[REDACTED]] surprises are best left to our players to uncover.



Celebrate Golden Week. Celebrate Golden Week with all-new content rooted in Japanese folklore. Collect gold bricks and earn rewards.

The Mid-Season Update Arrives. Following Golden Week, the Season Reloaded mid-season update will go live on mobile, introducing a new limited-time mode, events, and a map feature.

Amass Riches During Golden Week

Join the debut of Golden Week, a holiday-centric celebration featuring new content inspired by Japanese folklore. Earn  Event Points by playing through the limited time Golden Plunder playlist, or any playlist you prefer, and then collect your free rewards through the Golden Week Event: Seeing Yokai.

Featured rewards:

  • (Weapon Blueprint) Lockwood 300 – Shogun’s Harmony
  • (Weapon Blueprint) Combat Knife – Stealth Blossom
  • (Animated Calling Card) Golden Week

Hit up the Golden Week-themed Yokai’s Elegance Keep for the chance to earn further folklore-themed rewards, including the Oni – Daimyo operator and Vaznev-9K – Yokai’s Elegance weapon blueprint

Golden Plunder: Collect as much gold as you can by eliminating enemies, looting Supply Crates, and completing Contracts. When time runs out, the squad with the highest total wins. Unlimited respawns.

Get in on the Mid-Season

Season Reloaded will go live in Call of Duty: WZM following the Golden Week event. Look out for new in-game events every week with a chance   to earn new free rewards alongside Limited Time modes and playlists. Additionally, there will be high-quality rewards releasing weekly through bundles and the Warzone Mobile Original Keeps.

New Mode and Map Feature: Massive lightning storms are wreaking havoc over Rebirth Island in the limited-time High Voltage mode. Operators who get struck by lightning will grow more powerful by earning a random Perk. Meanwhile, Viking Runes have been spotted throughout Verdansk. Will you keep them intact or risk destroying them for their rewards?

Game Updates: As a part of ongoing efforts toward optimizing the game, Season  Reloaded promises to continue deliver regular game updates to make the overall experience even better for our millions of players across iOS and Android devices. Keep an eye on official Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile social channels for the latest info on updates.



New Weapon. Deploy with the top-loading BAL-27, firing off an initial slew of slow, accurate rounds before ramping up the fire rate.

New Store Offerings. Phoenix Suns shooting guard Devin Booker trades the court for the battlefield alongside a new Pro Pack and more entering the Store in the mid-season.

New Weekly Challenges, Event. Earn new Aftermarket Parts and more via the mid-season Weekly Challenges, and support veterans with upcoming content celebrating Military Appreciation Month.

New Weapon

BAL-27 (Assault Rifle)

“A bullpup prototype weapon designed to increase fire rate over time while the trigger is squeezed. The first 4 shots are slower to fire but highly accurate.”

The top-loading BAL-27 Assault Rifle offers quick reloads and a unique firing mechanism whereby the initial four shots favor accuracy before the weapon kicks into a higher fire rate to finish the job and bring down your target fast. Pump the trigger at greater distances to benefit from the improved accuracy of its first shots or hold down the trigger to spray enemies up close.

The BAL-27 introduces the new Sunset Waves, Simpler Times, Electro Torrent, and Sunny Side Weapon Camos, accessible by completing BAL-27-specific in-game challenges.

How to Unlock the Base Weapon: Via a new Sector in the Season 3 Battle Pass.

New Store Offerings: Devin Booker and More

The mid-season update brings Phoenix Suns shooting guard Devin Booker to the fight in a Store Bundle that transfers the star’s shooting skils from the court to the battlefield. Expect an array of other exciting new Bundles coming in the mid-season, with some highlights detailed below.

Tracer Pack: D Book Was Here

Take the shot and bring home the win with the “DBook” Operator Skin featuring the Phoenix Suns shooting guard in black tie tux and matching beanie. Booker arrives on the scene with two animated Weapon Blueprints with Swish Tracers: eliminate enemies at a distance using the “Sunrise” MTZ-762 Battle Rifle or rush the objective using the “Sunset” WSP-9 SMG.

Call in man’s best friend support by taking down enemies with the “Sick ‘Em Haven” Finishing Move, and show everyone who the MVP is by equipping the “Booker Card” Large Decal, the “Lucky Ace” Weapon Sticker, the “Man’s Best Friend” Charm, and the “Be Legendary” Loading Screen.

Trash Talk 2.0 Ultra Skin: Tracer Pro Pack

Talk trash and take names with the “Broadcast” Operator Skin for Ripper, featuring a robotic body with a television for a head. Boost your signal with two Animated Weapon Blueprints with Trash Talk Tracers and the Bodied 2.0 Death Effect: the “Smile and Nod” Striker 9 SMG and the “It’s Personal” TAQ Evolvere LMG.

Let ‘em know you’re ready to rumble on the mic by equipping the “Trash Talk” Large Decal, the “Toxic Waste” Weapon Sticker, and the “Feelings on Display” Charm. On top of these in-game items, the Bundle also includes 2400 COD Points to spend toward your next Store purchase!

Echo Endo: Vibrant Vixen Tracer Pack

Out-fox the competition with the “Mikan Endo” Operator Skin donning a tactical uniform and animated faceplate representing the cunning creature. Burst down enemies with the “Fox-Bite” FR 5.56 Assault Rifle Blueprint and vaporize them with the “Danger Spark” Sidewinder Battle Rifle Blueprint, both vibrantly colored and featuring VwV :3 Tracers and the Vicious Vixen Death Effect.

Add some splash to your weapons with the “She’s a Killer” Large Decal, “Peace and Love” Weapon Sticker, and “Looks Can Kill” Charm. This bundle also includes a Tier Skip Token to help you move forward on the Battle Pass.

Phyto Fighter Tracer Pack

Brighten your squad’s day with the bioluminescent “Lucifern” Operator Skin, built of translucent skin over the animated and blue nervous system within. Wield the power of the deep ocean with two Weapon Blueprints featuring Bioluminescence Tracers and the Pelagic Death Effect: the “Paralyzer” BP50 Assault Rifle and the “Splash Damage” TAQ Eradicator LMG.

Display your advanced lifeform with pride by applying the “Electric Light Organism” Large Decal, “Glow Shtick” Weapon Sticker, and “Now You Sea Me” Weapon Charm. The Bundle also includes a Double Battle Pass XP Token and a powerful one-time use Flawless Aetherium Crystal that instantly empowers your weapon with Pack-A-Punch Level 3.

CDL Cataclysm Pack

Bring about the demise of your enemies with the dystopian “Cacotopia” Operator Skin for Doc, featuring a cell-shaded art style boasting a gas mask, full sleeve tattoos, and tactical gear scrounged up from the wasteland. Take on enemies with the “Dystopia” Striker 9 SMG Blueprint, featuring improved bullet velocity and recoil control and sporting a precision sight.

Give your foes a taste of living on the edge by equipping the “Iron Lung” Charm, “Vroom” Animated Calling Card, “Alpha” Large Decal, “Guiding Light” Emblem, and the “Scratch Tally” Weapon Sticker.

Additional Store Content

Look for other Store Bundles coming in the mid-season, including the Tracer Pack: Wubz and Friends and the Tracer Pack: Hare-raiser Party Packs. Receive XP bonuses when playing in a party with others wearing Operators Skins from the same Party Pack.

New Weekly Challenges and Event

Refer to the in-game Weekly Challenges throughout the mid-season to view the remaining rewards arriving in Season 3, including new Aftermarket Parts plus a new Weapon Blueprint and Weapon Camo.

Mid-Season Weekly Challenges

JAK Patriot (Aftermarket Part)

Compatibility: M16 (Assault Rifle)

Converts the M16 into a fully automatic rifle with a heavy ported barrel built to provide superior recoil control and firing aim stability.

JAK Wardens (Aftermarket Part)

Compatibility: Lockwood Mk2 (Marksman Rifle)

Become the enemy’s biggest nightmare with this AMP allowing akimbo use of the powerful level-action Shotgun.

JAK Atlas Kit (Aftermarket Part)

Compatibility: AMR9 (SMG)

Converts the AMR9 into an extremely lethal and accurate 5-round burst carbine chambered in 556.

New Weapon Blueprint and Camo: Plus, keep an eye out for the “Squad Games” Weapon Blueprint and complete all Weekly Challenges to unlock the Allegiances Weapon Camo (shown above).

Season 3 Reloaded Events

Vortex: Vi.Rus Mainframe Event

Rewards: 12

It’s not a system error: Starting imminently, and running throughout the start of Season 3 Reloaded, Vi.Rus has made his way into the Vortex. Earn XP to unlock rewards. Equip the Bacillus skin from the Tracer Pack: Horsemen: Vi.Rus Ultra Skin for a boost.

Call of Duty Endowment (C.O.D.E.)

Look out for the in-game U Assist Veterans (UAV) Challenge, arriving during the mid-season. The event kicks off May 8 and lasts through May 22 in support of the Call of Duty Endowment’s Military Appreciation Month celebrations. Stay tuned for more details on the in-game event and additional Military Appreciation Month announcements from C.O.D.E. to come on May 6.

Upgrade to Modern Warfare III

With season after season of incredible premium content, it’s never been a better time to purchase Modern Warfare III and experience the rapid, fast-action combat Call of Duty is famous for. In addition to the wide and continuously updated variety of Multiplayer content, you can also explore the Exclusion Zone of Modern Warfare Zombies in its open-world setting, as well as a campaign that finds Task Force 141 facing off against the ultimate threat — Season 3’s main Operator, Vladimir Makarov.


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